performance training with Advanced 3D Analytics

Work directly with Chris Welch ( see bio ), who will create an advanced activity specific performance training program for you.
  • ONLINE - Performance Training Programs are delivered using an online format to anywhere in the world.  The athlete can train at home or at a gym/training facility on their own schedule each week.
  • DATA DRIVEN - Performance Training Programs are created specifically for each athlete based on 3D motion capture functional movement-performance analysis.  An initial 3D evaluation is done prior to starting the program.  Subsequent 3D testing is  done to monitor progress and allow for ongoing program refinement.
  • BIOMECHANICS / EXERCISE SCIENCE BASED - Training programs are designed to improve performance based on biomechanics and exercise science principles.  The focus is on improving movement efficiency and coordination to impact performance outcomes while at the same time reducing the risk of mechanical injury.
  • INDIVIDUALZED - Workouts/Training Sessions are created each week based on the individual athlete's progress.  These are not 'standard' programs, but highly individualized to each athlete based on quantitative data and athlete feedback week by week for maximum results.
  • CONNECTED - Each week the training program is supported by direct live interaction with Chris Welch via zoom, voice calls and text/email.  Chris works directly with each athlete to guide them through each week's workouts/training, answer questions and educate.

$349 / month

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Baseball / pitching, hitting, throwing, running
Golf / swing
Lacrosse / shot
Softball / pitching, hitting, throwing, running
Hockey / skating, shot
Soccer / kicking, running
Football / kicking, passing, running
Volleyball / serve, hit