Every month

The GOAL is to share my 30 years of applied clinical biomechanics knowledge in the most practical way possible.

Each week I will add fresh new content in the areas of Biomechanics, Progressive Skills Training and Functional movement.  This content will NOT be theoretical, it WILL be based on actual athlete analytics and performance/injury training programs.  Every day I analyze athletes, problem solve and create individualized performance-injury programs.  Now you get to shadow me and learn from real, practical, applied use of technology and biomechanics-based principles.

A little story... when I was young, I wanted to play the guitar and rock out.  So, I took lessons from a guitarist in a band and all we did was learn chords, notes, music theory and play songs like Mary Had a Little Lamb.  I got bored, frustrated and quit.  Years later I decided to learn again but this time I taught myself and started by learning how to play my favorite songs straight away.  I had so much fun and in the process enjoyed my guitar immediately, while also learning guitar-music fundamentals without being bored.

My approach to biomechanics education, is similar… rather than bore you with theory and ‘book’/’course’ learning, we are going to jump right into real application.  It will be fun, and you will immediately see practical use, but at the same time we will reinforce all of it with the important educational fundamentals.


Dealing with a golfer that has limited mobility and function in the lumber-sacral spine / pelvis / hips complex. He is also dealing with a left side weakness in the area, most notably in the glute. PT and a more isolated approach have not worked to promote improved functional movement or rotational swing performance. This is week 1 of a pattern-based program I am starting him on as a part of his overall golf swing training.